Survey Explorer

Survey Explorer

Participants in the All of Us Research Program respond to surveys spanning a variety of topics. The program has tested each survey for readability and accessibility using cognitive interviews and quantitative testing. This testing process included people from different educational backgrounds and geographic locations to capture a sample that reflects the U.S. population. After participants complete the core surveys (The Basics, Lifestyle, and Overall Health), they may complete additional surveys on other topics.

In addition to the source material below, more detailed information is available in the Survey Data Codebooks.

The Basics

This core survey asks basic demographic questions, including questions about a participant’s work and home.
Note: Participants who completed The Basics survey before the disability measures were added were invited to complete the Life Functioning survey.


This survey asks about a participant’s use of tobacco, alcohol, and recreational drugs.

Overall Health

This survey collects information about a participant’s overall health including general health, daily activities, and women’s health topics.

Personal/Family Health History

This survey collects information about past medical history, including medical conditions and approximate age of diagnosis.

Health Care Access & Utilization

This survey asks questions about a participant’s access to and use of health care.

Social Determinants of Health

This survey asks about the social determinants of health, including a participant’s neighborhood, social life, stress, and feelings about everyday life.

COVID-19 Participant Experience (COPE) Survey

This survey asks about the impact of COVID-19 on a participant’s mental health, well-being, and everyday life. This survey was administered to participants multiple times from May 2020 to March 2021.

Minute Survey on COVID-19 Vaccines

This survey collects information regarding a participant’s COVID-19 vaccination experience. This survey was administered to participants multiple times from June 2021 to March 2022.

Emotional Health History and Well-Being

This survey asks information about mental health functioning (e.g., depression symptoms, trauma experiences) and wellbeing.

Behavioral Health and Personality

This survey asks information about mental health functioning (e.g., ADHD symptoms, experiences of psychosis) and personality.